Thursday, June 14, 2007

Our First Century Day 10

Pictured here is part of the 2000 foot climb up the Pequop Mountains, to an elevation of 6967 feet. As we've crossed the Nevada desert, we've been at an average elevation of ~4500 feet (the High Desert), where there is little annual snowfall. For the past few days we've climbed some hills, and today we crossed the Pequops to get to Wendover, on the Nevada-Utah border.

The photo was taken halfway up the climb--unfortunately pictures tend to "flatten out" elevation changes, but as I stood there looking around, I knew I wasn't anywhere in the Eastern part of the Country. There was some minor road repair going on, so we climbed on the left side of the interstate, with the barrels between us and the cars.

Andrew and I enjoyed some excellent downhills as a reward for our climbing efforts. I reached 52 mph on one part (don't worry, they road was clear and smooth, and there was no other traffic except this 6 foot 4 inch, large British guy on a bike!). At another part there was a 4 mile descent that was less steep, so we were having a nice chat at 37 miles an hour riding side by side. That's easier than chatting when we're climbing the steep hills at 5 to 8 mph. Our friends sometimes wait for us at the tops of hills, but even if they don't, we still often catch and pass them on the downhills.

Today was the longest ride so far, at 108 miles. Four of our riders did their first century rides today (a ride of at least 100 miles). They were Arlene, age 67, Erin, age 24, Jeff, age 34 and Tim, age 36. (Jeff and Tim are brothers from Michigan). Quite an accomplishment--and they get to do it again tomorrow!

We have been lucky so far with the weather--highs only in the 80's which is warm enough when you're sweating up a mountain in the desert! The AbB staff keeps busy getting us cold water and snacks--vital for a day like today.

Tonight we're staying in the Rainbow Hotel & Casino. What a place! Glitzy, shiny and bright, with bells and whistles everywhere. The rooms have wall to wall mirrors with plenty of purple and red decor. I was briefly tempted to play blackjack, but after watching others play awhile I decided to keep my money. Interestingly, they deal from a single deck, and the players cards are dealt down. This is much nicer than the Atlantic City method of dealing from ~ 6 decks at a time, and showing the players card(s) right away.

Tomorrow is a 117 mile ride to Salt Lake City. Nothing like giving our first time Century Riders a chance to become veterans really quickly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

newlove21I see you made your first big day...YEAH for you...then tomorrow is another long day then rest time.