Howie is a "blur" in this picture because he rides so fast! This shot was taken on a scenic bike path that led us from Sacramento up the Sacramento River, then up the American river for more than thirty miles.
Our tour leader, Andy, rides this trail up to 4 times a week! And we could see why.
After leaving the trail, we passed Folsom prison and continued on a fairly steep climb into Auburn, about 1500 feet above sea level. Tomorrow we climb the Sierras in what is "the hardest day on paper"of this entire ride.
Howie is a Non Hodkins Lymphoma survivor. He is also riding to raise money to fight cancer. He has all my admiration for his toughness!
Please help in the fight against cancer. Visit if you'd like to support the LAF in this battle. All donations go to the LAF, as I am paying all costs of this ride myself.
You are a true goob!!! We all miss you and wish you well. All of your patients are asking how your doing! We are all cheering for ya!m Lot of love,
Your gamboling friend
Thanks, Jaime!
Please give the web address to anyone who is interested. I hope we can raise alot more money for the LAnce Armstrong Foundation.
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